This is Karl Kevin Kruger, and don’t mind those initials, but leave your message at the tone. William Auten – “Fun Run” An aunt picks up her nephew and niece for a race. “Fun Run,” a short story now on Substack. And while you’re there, sign up as a subscriber. My fiction and updates reachContinue reading ““Fun Run””
Category Archives: Short Fiction
“A Pale Sequence of Stars” – Substack
A boy helps his sister but not how he planned. “A Pale Sequence of Stars” a short story now on Substack. Plus: Night School – new novel available 23 January 2025. Sara slams the bedroom door. The TV and shower crank on. Pug expects a clang from the liquor cabinet in his parents’ bedroom RuthieContinue reading ““A Pale Sequence of Stars” – Substack”
Happy Halloween – “Mrs. Carol’s Driving Lesson”
A mother traverses a gentlemen’s club. “Mrs. Carol’s Driving Lesson” a short story now on Substack. A Jeep behind us flashes its lights. I start for the turn, but the Jeep whirs around and lets me know I should shove my glasses into my body part that give birth to my children. I will prayContinue reading “Happy Halloween – “Mrs. Carol’s Driving Lesson””
“Yacht Rock” – Substack
Two friends build little libraries for their neighborhood. “Yacht Rock” a short story now on Substack. Blake’s tires snap and pop gravel when he pulls into the lot for El Mercado and its American and Mexican flags flying between mobile homes, rundown apartments, and the Whole Foods across the street. “Buenos noches,” he says to theContinue reading ““Yacht Rock” – Substack”
“Windowless UFO” – Substack
A student film distracts a woman applying to jobs. “Windowless UFO” a short story now on Substack. My health, I found out, is more important. Yes, I know what most of you on here will say: “You could have better health with a job.” And you’re right. But I don’t care about “amazing perks orContinue reading ““Windowless UFO” – Substack”
“Makers’ Monday” – Substack
A dad and his three kids make a gift at the library. “Makers’ Monday” a short story now on Substack. I look toward what I think is the room where Kiki and the others are, and in my head I see them making the most amazing things possible and the 3D printer working like GodContinue reading ““Makers’ Monday” – Substack”
“Cash In the Past” Quarterfinalist for ScreenCraft Cinematic Short Story on Substack
“Cash In the Past” is now available on Substack. Two gameshow contestants untangle their pasts. This month’s story is a quarterfinalist for the 2024 ScreenCraft Cinematic Short Story Competition. Your book purchases and paid Substack subscriptions helped cover the submission fee—thank you. And while you’re on Substack, sign up as a subscriber. My fiction and updatesContinue reading ““Cash In the Past” Quarterfinalist for ScreenCraft Cinematic Short Story on Substack”
ScreenCraft Cinematic Short-Story Competition and Pepper’s Ghost Second Edition
My short story “Cash In the Past” is a quarterfinalist for the 2024 ScreenCraft Cinematic Short-Story Competition. Also: Pepper’s Ghost second edition available 22 February 2024. And while you’re there, sign up as a subscriber. My fiction and updates reach your inbox once a month. I love sharing extraordinary stories (fiction short and long) aboutContinue reading “ScreenCraft Cinematic Short-Story Competition and Pepper’s Ghost Second Edition”
Year-End Goals and Joys, Pepper’s Ghost Second Edition, and Advance Readers’ Copies
And while you’re there on Substack, sign up as a subscriber. My fiction and updates reach your inbox once a month. I love sharing extraordinary stories (fiction short and long) about ordinary Americans. Good stories don’t, and shouldn’t have to, conform to the dominant aesthetics and politics.
Happy Halloween: “Christ Air” on Substack. Plus: Pepper’s Ghost second edition update.
A mother retrieves her son’s birthday gift from diabolical hands. I compose myself and follow the route my map suggests and stand under a sign shaped like a fist jammed into a pig’s backside. The metal gate creaks open, and out steps a family of four dressed in black except for the daughter dressed likeContinue reading “Happy Halloween: “Christ Air” on Substack. Plus: Pepper’s Ghost second edition update.”