“Dioramas” Now Available in Tupelo Quarterly 20

Out of the butterfly room, they wander, turning the corner until the curator stops them in front of the animals. A mother clicks her stroller’s brakes. Across from her, a man arrives last, floats near the back, and continues glancing at the butterflies. He wears a small sticker stamped with the American flag. “Dioramas” isContinue reading ““Dioramas” Now Available in Tupelo Quarterly 20″

“Many and Many a Year Ago” Now Available

“Many and Many a Year Ago,” the winner of the 2019 Norton Girault Literary Prize in Fiction from Barely South Review (Old Dominion University), is now available in the Fall 2019 (11.1) issue online, for purchase on Amazon, and for my family and friends back in Virginia, may be in select bookshops. Congrats to fellow contributors and thanksContinue reading ““Many and Many a Year Ago” Now Available”

2019 Norton Girault Literary Prize in Fiction

“Many and Many a Year Ago” has won the 2019 Norton Girault Literary Prize in Fiction from Barely South Review (Old Dominion University); the fall 2019 issue will feature the short story. Many thanks to BSR staff and judge Janet Peery, who said This is a smart, demanding, tautly-written, risk-taking puzzle of a story that amounts to no lessContinue reading “2019 Norton Girault Literary Prize in Fiction”