“Start of the Season” Now Available in Valparaiso Fiction Review

Something about a tattoo he had and wanted to talk to her about while they stayed on the cape. Not wanting to make a big deal about it, but he wanted her to know. From his youth, he said, smiling when he mentioned this feature, which she had not yet seen, somewhere on his body.Continue reading ““Start of the Season” Now Available in Valparaiso Fiction Review”

In Another Sun Praise – Alice Kaltman

Beautifully rendered and mesmerizing, In Another Sun is a book to treasure. This story is a gift of words, strung together like beads on a twisting strand, leading us forward and backwards through Vanessa Ochoa’s life. Her reflective journey is an ode to time and grace, a story of lives intersecting and loves lost, of treasured connectionsContinue reading “In Another Sun Praise – Alice Kaltman”

In Another Sun Praise – Debbie Graber

William Auten’s In Another Sun burns with haunting fire; it reminds us that our lives are often only truly experienced in fragments. We exist through the shards of our memories, through snippets of conversations, through what is and what could have been. Auten’s prose thoughtfully explores the powerful notion that, perhaps above all, our heart’s desire isContinue reading “In Another Sun Praise – Debbie Graber”


Order In Another Sun from Tortoise Books and Amazon. And when you’re at Tortoise, check out the other authors and buy their books. During the COVID-19 pandemic, please support local and independent artists and businesses—and thank the folks who provide us with our now-essential everyday needs. I rely on word of mouth to grow my readers. Subscribe atContinue reading “IN ANOTHER SUN TORTOISE BOOKS PRESALE NOW AVAILABLE”

ORDER NOW In Another Sun

ORDER NOW: In Another Sun, the second novel from William Auten and Tortoise Books, available May 26 During the COVID-19 pandemic, please support local and independent artists and businesses—and thank the folks who provide us with our now-essential everyday needs. I rely on word of mouth to grow my readers. Subscribe at williamauten.com; follow on social media.Continue reading “ORDER NOW In Another Sun”

“Dioramas” Now Available in Tupelo Quarterly 20

Out of the butterfly room, they wander, turning the corner until the curator stops them in front of the animals. A mother clicks her stroller’s brakes. Across from her, a man arrives last, floats near the back, and continues glancing at the butterflies. He wears a small sticker stamped with the American flag. “Dioramas” isContinue reading ““Dioramas” Now Available in Tupelo Quarterly 20″